Yeah, it is a question for you! Which cuisine is the one that has so much garlic and chili that it requires you to have a toothbrush at hand all the time. Even in the office and so easily available that you trust your co-workers not to mess with it when you leave it in a jar in the public toilet at the office?
The answer is *drumroll*
South-Korean cuisine!
I got reminded of South-Korea yesterday. Probably had something to do with the busy weeks I have had at work. It reminded me of my hetic business trip to South-Korea back in 2009. I am just grateful that in Norway you don’t have to wait until your boss leaves to be able to leave the office yourself! It feels so much better to work late from your couch…. I think that is better at least 🙂 .
Why Korean cuisine hasn’t conquered the world is beyond my understanding. I had never really heard about Korean food before I visited South-Korea back in 2009 on a business trip but I was indeed blown away.
There seems to be culture for eating in South Korea. There were restaurants everywhere and the food was often made on a grill or a pan in front of you. When you walked the back streets you saw food being cooked everywhere. Not all of them were to sanitary standars but it felt good to be surrounded by people that enjoyed food (and it was delicious food!).
Thankfully I had some very nice colleagues that spoke Korean and could help me order or otherwise I would have been lost. I did order myself couple of times and to be honest, I am not sure what I got… it was tasty though.
The food in Korea is very spicy and very garlicky and not for the faint of heart. There are quite a few fermented things served as side dishes that can probably considered acquired taste. It shocks your taste buds and breath, hence the toothbrushes in the office bathroom.
One of the dishes I remember pretty well was at one of those restaurants where they cooked in front of you. A pan full of vegetables, meat, and chili paste. I remember getting a plastic apron and having to stir the thing myself. The restaurant had a cheap feeling to it but the food was absolutely delicious!
I couldn’t forget the dish after I went home and I was able to make a decent copy using the ingredients I had stuffed my suitcase full with. I have found the chili paste in supermarkets here in Oslo but the original was served with some kind of rice cakes in it and those I haven’t been able to find here. Not a big deal, it is delicious without it. I wont claim this is authentic but at least it is good!
So if you like spicy and garlicy I recommend that you give this one a try. If still in doubt consider the fact that there is a city called Chuncheon that does an autumn festival dedicated to this dish.
Dak Galbi
Recipe is adapted from My Korean Kitchen
Prepare meat
Two chicken breasts
2 tbsp Mirin (refined rice wine)
1/4 tsp ginger powder
Black pepper
Cut the chicken into small pieces. Mix together the mirin and ginger powder. Add the chicken and black pepper and stir. Let it marinate for approx 15 minutes.
Chili marinade
3 tbsp Korean chili paste (gochujang)
5 cloves crushed garlic
1 tbsp Korean chili powder
1 tbsp Korean (or Japanese) soy sauce
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp Korean yellow curry powder
1/2 grated onion
Mix all ingredients together. Mix in the chicken and let it marinate for an hour.
1 sweet potato
1-2 carrots
1/3 of a cabbage head
12-15 average sized perilla/sesame leaves
1/2 onion
1/2 yellow cheese
Slice the potato , carrots, and onion into thin slides. Slice the cabbage and chop the perilla leaves (only roughly). Grate the cheese.
Pre-heat a wok and add oil. Put all the vegetables in the wok and add the meat on top. Stir while it is cooking.
It is ready when the chicken is cooked through and the carrots and potato have become soft.
Pour 1/2 cup yellow cheese over at the end for a rounder taste. Cook until melted. Eat and enjoy!
Norwegian shopping tip: You can find the Korean chili paste, mirin and perille leaves in A-Market downtown Oslo. I haven’t found the Korean curry powder or chilli powder in Oslo yet but if there is a will there is a way (aka as online shopping). I am pretty sure it can be bought somewhere in Oslo and I would love to hear about it if someone has found it.
Your Dak Galbi looks very delicious! You even have a metal chopsticks. 🙂