Pippi Longstocking does whatever she wants. It should therefore come as no surprise that even if you spend the time making a Pippi costume for your little Pippi that she might flat out refuse to wear it…
And when you finally manage to bribe her into trying it out that she will again flat out refuse to take it off…
I am happy she is a little determined girl because that will probably mean she will be a strong personality that gets what she wants later in life but damn the terrible two’s are rough. I almost wanted to cry when she refused to wear the outfit after spending hours of planning it and making it. It really sucks having to be the grown-up and not be able to throw temper tantrums…
It is Carnival time here in Norway and little kids have a day at Kintergarden where they dress up. The closet housewife in me has secretly dreamed of being the mommy that makes the Carnival costume herself. One of those things on that “to do before you die” list… I also wanted to make a Pippi costume because she really likes Pippi and before she just wants to be a boring pink princess. So I took some bad photos of the old Swedish Pippi episodes running on TV and set out to make a “copy”.
I ended up hacking some patterns I found and adapted the Pippi costume to the Norwegian climate where it would simply be too cold have bare legs and thin stockings during Carnival season. So It became Pippi thights with one orange and one green leg.
I am not too happy about the tshirt and some of the seams. It was cheap jersey from Stoff og Stil that almost killed my sewing machine . It was too thick and my machine simply choked on it. The neckline got dragged out and was way too wide. Thankfully Pippi’s clothes are a bit on the baggier side so I decided to just live with it.
Then came the hard part. Document the costume… little Pippis aren’t really the type to stand still and smile….
It all became worth it when she thankfully agreed to put the costume on Carnival day. She even got into the role and said “Mamma du er Annika, Pappa du er Tommy” (Mommy you are Annika, and daddy you are Tommy). Awww how little Pippis can melt your heart 🙂 .
Simple instructions:
T-shirt: Ottobre pattern 1/2012 number 20. Made two sizes to big. Arms are changed to be more baggy and a bit shorter but not too short since this is the winter version.
Thights: Ottobre pattern 6/2012 number 26 with one leg green and one leg orange. One size too long but no seam allowances added.
Apron dress from Sy til Barn: I shorted the straps in the back 5 cm and lengthened them in the front equally to get the buttons to be on the back. One size bigger than current size and approx two sizes longer.
Wig and shoes are from the toy store… had to cut some corners.
T-shirt and leggings was made out of cheap jersey from Stoff and Stil (not recommended). Apron dress used cheap cotton from Stoff og Stil but pockets were gingham bought at Panduro.
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