It is a strange thing how insanity always hits you around 31st of December. What is really just an arbitrary date makes you think that all of a sudden things can become better. That you magically manage to turn your life around and be better at everything.
So I don’t really think that but at the same time, I am also a big believer in the placebo effect. Therefore, I am gonna use this opportunity and make a little attempt to drag myself out of this blackhole called daily life. At the same time I am gonna come out of the closet and tell you all that I am somewhat of a closet housewife. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like doing laundry and cleaning but I must admit that I get some real pleasure out of things like cooking, sewing, being a mom, crafting, and gardening.
So lately I have pretty much been a desperate housewife struggling to balance a full time job, long commute, and taking care of a little girl that is a bad sleeper. This is probably the worst time ever to start this blog but when is it really gonna be a good time? I have been postphoning it forever until I have time to set it up nicely, until I have had time to learn to take decent photos, until *insert endless amount of excuses*. Why not just dive in and see where it goes? What is the worst thing that can happen? That I never post anything? That nobody reads it? That someone thinks it is silly? Would it really be a crisis? Not really!!
So here is my first housewife confession. I have had a sewing machine for some time now but the mediumgeek me has been a bit embarrassed about it. Seriously, that is just way too housewifish! I don’t really think I have ever posted photos of anything that I have made on Facebook. So here it goes into public. These are the things I made in 2011 and 2012.
Not exactly Prada but it made me happy and that is all what matters!
Expect random or nothing. This is mostly a spot to push myself and give me a place to post housewifish things. Feel free to stop by or not.