I tend to get strange ideas that are not always so well thought through. Sometimes I actually go ahead with those ideas causing lots of chaos and stress.
When planning my fiancés 40th Birthday party I wondered why there were no nerdy RAM (computer parts) cookies to be found online. And why there were only few Commodore 64 cakes that had been posted. When I started making them, last minute I might add, I quickly understood why. It wasn’t quite as straightforward as I thought. I case anyone is wondering why anyone would attempt to make cakes in the shape of computers and computer parts, my boyfriend has always been into computers and hardware. I am a bit of a geek myself (also known as mediumgeek) so this computer theme felt quite natural for both of us.
After spending approx. a half hour on one practice RAM cookie I realized this wasn’t gonna happen. The kitchen was covered in dark royal icing and I even had couple of warrior stripes underneath my eyes. I tried few techniques before I gave up but got nowhere close. I had colored the cookie dough I made green, which was fine, but getting royal icing black enough required quite excessive amount of food coloring and it became difficult to work with. The little silver sugar balls I wanted to resemble the wiring under the chips was a pain to work with as the only way to make them look even was by placing them one by one with a tweezer onto the edges of the royal icing.
The Commodore cake went a bit better though I can’t really say that I am happy with it. It was a marzipan cake with a marzipan cover that was too thin so it came out all bubbly.
Oh well, I want to post photos of it anyway. I don’t think I will ever attempt this again even if I enjoyed trying it. I might as well document it.
So I might not have been that happy with them but my dear birthday kid seemed happy with it which was all what mattered. Despite becoming 40 in few days he is really still a kid at heart. On the day of his party I all of a sudden saw him out on the street on this skateboard! I can’t help to rub it in a bit though since I have few years left of my thirties. Hey, I am so young that I have never actually seen a Commodore 64 in real life.
So now I need to start planning the next birthday party. This time I swear I am not waiting until the last minute to get started. And I swear I will only make sensible plans…
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